The Economic Value of IoT - Data?
Last year I attended one of these IoT networking events with speakers from a couple of IoT industry players. The discussion suddenly turned tense when one of the speakers categorically stated that the main value of IoT was the data collected. Yes, I participated in that discussion by stating along the lines of my previous blog that there was plenty of product margin to be derived from IoT and that this was just as important as any data derived. So what is the value of IoT data? Well, it depends on what the data is, how it is collected and 'what it means'! In a previous consulting engagement I worked with a company that collected a tremendous amount of data on a daily basis. The company was flooded by requests from then 'hot' data analytics companies who wanted to 'partner' and explore the data. The fact that this data belonged to customers did not seem to ever have entered their thoughts nor the fact that this data may simply be useless static data collected...